UnaVision call for partners (EN)
Join UnaVision for YOUR future
1) Objective
In a rapidly changing world, the ability of fast evidence-based reactions and building up resilience become increasingly important. Therefore, the UnaVision initiative is building up self-learning structures within a global network. We are looking for partners around the globe who are willing to join the UnaVision network, co-create an UnaVillage prototype or just support it with knowledge, connections or …
2) What can a community gain by hosting an UnaVillage?
UnaVersity: Being part of the UnaVersity network we like to foster a real-life exchange of project-based learning approaches and results. UnaVision may also enable short- and long-term exchanges between the UnaVillages and regular, virtual communication. Common research projects will stimulate knowledge and experience in fields such as transformative learning, pattern language, new work and economic approaches, healthy living and many other topics.
Economic Support: The international network may support the UnaVillage by applying together for funding, exchange programs and solidarity activities of individuals or teams. Eco-social co-operations are promoted with local actors like companies, associations, institutions and people. City-hubs are established that work as promotors and advertise for the UnaVillages located in rural areas.
Sustainability and Resilience: All actions should be checked for sustainability (SDGs). The surrounding community is invited to join the transformative learning offers, the international exchange of experiences and the co-creation process. One objective is to reach a high degree of self-sufficiency of food as well as products and services from the region. UnaVillages aim at providing bio food, shelter, preventive health care, learning opportunities and cultural, spiritual and art offerings.