UnaVision Summits (EN)

UnaVision summits are meetings for international exchange of ideas, demonstrations of best practice examples, cultural exchange and just strengthening bindings within the UnaVision global network. Inspiring guest peakers are invited by UnaVersity.

UnaVision Summit in Herzershof, Germany

One of our guest speakers at our summit in 2019 was the famous TV-scientist Jean Pütz (in the picture second from left). In his presentation with speeches, experiments and inclusion of the whole audience he gave practical examples of the importance of scientific approaches especially for developing resilient sustainable lifestyles. Ralph Hohenschurz-Schmidt gave a speech on improving the quality of the soil. He brought a Kon-Tiki and showed how to use it for making charcoal for soil-improvement. Uta Gerullies gave a presentation on planting trees and Eileen Kahnsfeld gave an introduction to Yoga. Other activities were building raised flower beds, visiting a plant for pyrolysis, music and dancing.

UnaVision Summit in Küstriner Vorland, Germany

Our summit in 2018 was opened by Werner Finger, the mayor of Küstriner Vorland. Local entrepreneurs presented their work and Johannes Pfister and Hendrik Schmeer presented UnaVision. Martin Arndt gave a presentation on effective microorganisms for gardening (picture) and showed how trees shall be cut. Thomas Schwab (EGOM, Blaues Ländle, Rheinland) gave a presentation on cooperatives and regenerative energy. Other activities were gigging out plants for medical use, music, dance and a camp fire.

UnaVision Summit in Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal

In 2017 an UnaVision summit was held in Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal. It started with visiting the project Casa de Santa Isabel. Other highlights were visiting the farm and production facility of Sementes Vivas and many workshops, exhibitions and presentations in the townhall of Idanha-a-Nova. The picture shows Rob Hopkins from Transition Town talking with Johannes Pfister in one of several online connections. This summit was embedded into a learning journey from Germany through France and Spain to Portugal and back for 3 weeks (October 12th until November 5th).

UnaVision Summit in Visvliet, Netherlands

After participating in several UnaVision meetings in other countries a group from Netherlands around Ursula Appolt and Jan Hut hosted a UnaVision summit in 2016 in Visvliet. They presented their broad network with other likeminded groups with local events and visits of projects nearby. In Addition to this they organized several UnaVersity events at Groningen as well.