UnaVision Learning Journey Portugal
by Richard Marx
UnaVision is a network of people with a common vision for a sustainable future. The network is a human centred, bottom up civil society movement.
The vision of UnaVision is to create a global network of learning journeys, of knowledge sharing and social businesses in order to foster the sustainable (social, ecological, cultural and economic) development and to create many meaningful green jobs. We are looking for partners who like to be part of it! We envision a network of people and organizations from exceptional regions, which good practise examples of sustainable development. The objective of the network is to connect like-minded people and organizations of regions around the globe, who can learn from each other, co-create systems, concepts, products, services and social entrepreneurships, which support the development of our sustainable future.
Here are the details in German for this Learning Journey Portugal as PDF for Download
UnaVillage Gircha in Ethiopia
by Frauke Thiel
Near the Gricha agricultural research centre of the University of Arba Minch a site of 90ha is planned to be recultivated with agro-forestry in permaculture. Houses for 150 – 500 people will be built from natural material. The region was identified during an UnaVersity Research Journey in October 2017. During a community assessment in 2018 families and many stakeholders of the region were visited and interviewed. A design challenge was held at the University of Arba Minch in March 2018 and 4 teams from Addis Ababa and Arba Minch participated in the competition. The UnaVillage Gircha in Ethiopia is supported by University of Arba Minch (AMU) and Rotary International. This film describes the background in German.
Details in English: UnaVillage Gircha
UnaVision Italy
by Legambiente
UnaVision Italy is supported by Legambiente Trani, which is a part of the National network of Legambiente, an Italian environmental non-profit organization founded in 1980 with 20 regional coordination offices and more than 600 local groups of volunteers.
Legambiente as a pacifistic independent movement is operating towards a scientific environmentalism:
- to build policies and to advocate changes towards local, national and international stakeholders and institutions,
- to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them to be the leading actors of change,
- to drive the economy towards new models of green and circular economy,
- to improve the quality of life for everyone (environmentally and socially) …
In the city of Trani (Apulia Region- South Italy), thanks to the "shared goods" regulation, Legambiente has the availability of a municipal property between the suburbs and the historic center. This space becomes an open place to spread the UnaVision conception.
For more information in English klick on this link:
UnaVision Italy – UnaVision
UnaVision Palestine
by Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD)
UnaVision Palestine is supported by Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD), a Palestinian non-profit organization established in 2009 to equip Palestinian youth with the skills and knowledge required by an increasingly complex and demanding 21st century. Over the past ten years, PSD's programs have unleashed the potential of communities by supporting their grass roots activities and social enterprises. Programmatic interventions implemented by PSD have focused on youth engagement in their communities through formal and informal education, ICT, and entrepreneurship.
For more information in English klick on this link:
UnaVision Palestine – UnaVision
Learning Journey in Macedonia and Kosovo 2014
UnaVision Learning Journeys inspire you to:
- find out what you really, really like to do for yourself and for your society
- travel together with likeminded people
- meet people and share your experiences
- connect with your inner self
- discover
- experience the spirit of a region
- learn about local trades
- learn about traditional skills
- find your passion …
UnaVision Georgia 2022
"Youth for Sustainable Rural Development" is an international acceleration program implemented by the Entrepreneurs Association Georgia in partnership with Think Camp Germany. The project is funded under the grant program "MEET UP! Youth for Partnership" by the Remembrance, Responsibility, and Future (EVZ) Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office. #MEETUPforPartnership #YOUTHforPartnership
December 2015 in Gorgast, Germany
Concept and drawings by Fanny Monod
Rising up UnaVision – Gathering 1 Took place in Gorgast, 9-12th december 2015
Concept and drawings : Fanny Monod
Video : Branko Blazevski
Contact UnaVision :,
Jahreskonferenz Seibert Media 2020
by Seibert Media and Johannes Pfister
This film is in German describing the UnaVision Network and different locations.
UnaVision speech in Megalopoli Arcadia 2016
Franz Nahrada and Johannes Pfister in Arcadia, Greece
UnaVision Summit 2017 in Portugal with Sementes Vivas
Presentation of the UnaVision Concept by Johannes Pfister
ERASMUS Project "Volunteering for Eco Employment"
22-30/09/2019 Küstriner Vorland, Germany
video by: Slobodan Antic
Playlist from our partner BRIGHT Asociation for Education and SD
Youth Exchange "Create Value" – 2-11/08/2021, Popova Shapka, North Macedonia supported by Erasmus Plus program of EU, National Agency of North Macedonia.
Watch all videos with this playlist: TC Volunteering Pays Off – YouTube
See more here: BRIGHT Asociation for Education and SD – YouTube
video by: Slobodan Antic