About us
The UnaVision initiative invites you for a better future. Join us for innovative experimenting resilient lifestyles supported by an international network for sustainable good living in harmony with our unique fragile biosphere.
- Our Vision is a good and content life for all people while protecting our unique fragile biosphere.
- Our Mission is to develop transformative learning processes from experience and apply them in prototypes.
- Our Objectives are:
- to realize many UnaVillage regions in rural areas as prototypes for inclusive, holistic and resilient models for a sustainable life in harmony with nature and the community around
- to co-design and implement eco-social concepts for sustainable economies as well as models for living, working and entrepreneurships and communicate the experiences
- to co-design, use and disseminate innovative, people oriented transformative learning processes (UnaVersity)
- Please contact us at info@thinkcamp.eu.
UnaVision Initiative
The UnaVision initiative invites you for co-creating and refining an emergent framework for prototypes of good living that respects a diverse global society and the biosphere of our planet. This includes the advantage of being especially adaptive and resililent to changes of the environment like climate destruction. We systematically practice, refine, adapt and expand this framework in UnaVillage regions and spread over all continents. A global sharing and solidary UnaVision community supports this systematic transformative learning process with international exchange of experience and competence (UnaVersity). We take responsibility for the dignity of people of different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, races and beliefs and for the protection and regeneration of the environment and nature. UnaVillages and the UnaVision network will be governed with a sociocratic system.
An intensive international knowledge exchange coordinated by the tools of the UnaVersity will support the co-development for a better livelihood for all people. Our common UnaVillage framework will support the UnaVillage regions in their emergence and co-development. We also aim at providing free access to food, accommodation, education, preventive health services, cultural activities and a safety net in case of special needs, health problems and peaceful aging for all UnaVillage community members who support the movement with 50% of their time and resources. This gives people the scope and the spare time to do what they "really, really want to do with their lives for themselves and for society". This enables emergence of fundamental improvement for our own lives, our communities and our environment by activating, joining and working with like-minded people for good living. We like to recognize patterns and co-create a pattern language, how future living can be "good living for everybody", and at the same time secure a sustainable development of our planet as we are all interdependent within one biosphere on one planet. This is our common UnaVision.
Your participation
The co-design of the UnaVision framework and the first prototypes of UnaVillages are in full progress. We invite you to join our working circles and topic circles sharing your skills, knowledge, experience and resources. We like to identify, document and realize patterns and guidelines for the UnaVision movement. We are looking for inspired people who like to engage full time or part time. In case you are inspired and motivated by our vision and like to participate in a hands-on approach, then we are looking for YOU. You can either move into an UnaVillage prototype and help building it up and/or share your time, knowledge and resources with one of the topic or supporting teams. Please contact us at info@thinkcamp.eu.
ERASMUS+ Activities
You may particpate in some of our EU Erasmus+ funded programs. Please contact us.
You can apply anytime for a trainee period of 6 to 12 months or for shorter internships. The coordinator of the UnaVision network is the ThinkCamp non-profit cooperative based in Germany. Your trainee stay will be at one of the emerging UnaVision locations, where project based and hands-on learning will happen.
There are many topics from which you can choose for your Bachelor or Master Thesis relating to rural development, soil improvement, regenerative energy, preventive health care, nutrition, natural building materials, education, economics, new approaches to project management and so on. Please contact us at info@thinkcamp.eu.
Our History
The fundament of the UnaVision initiative is based on the input from many people participating in idea camps, hiking dialogs, learning journeys and academies of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative. Based on this the conception for the non-profit cooperative ThinkCamp was born in 2007. It initiated in 2013 the "Caravan of Change" called "dunaVision" (see Report) in which the UnaVision initiative emerged: During this eight months long journey, more than on thousand people from over fourteen European countries connected in 50 workshops to talk about "What is really, really important in our lives for ourselves, the society and our planet?" The ThinkCamp idea emerged out of the Global Marshall Plan activities to foster bottom up initiatives and to prototype new frameworks for a regenerative world. A big influence to our approach comes from Frithjof Bergmann with his breakthrough concept of New Work – New Culture. Important impulses come from the principle of pattern language and the Nature of Order from Christopher Alexander, the Transition Network, GIVE (Global Village Network), Global Ecovillage Network GEN, Economy for the Common Good and the Basic Income Network BIEN.